Behind the Garden Gate: The AMGA 2022 State Conference

Click here to register.
Click here to download the 2022 AMGA State Conference Registration Packet.
May 2-4, 2022
Hosted by: Capital City Master Gardener Association and Central Alabama Master Gardener Association
Located at Embassy Suites: 300 Tallapoosa Street, Montgomery, Alabama 36104
Come join us! The public is invited.
Embassy Suites hotel link:,WW,HILTONLINK,en,DirectLink&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
The code for reservations is GRD and attendees may call 334-269-5055 or use the link above to book online.
Reminder: If you are registering for the conference, your Welcome Reception hors d’oeuvres, Banquet meal and box lunch are included in the conference registration. Please just make your meal choices. If you are bringing a guest, who will not be attending the conference but will attend the Welcome Reception, Banquet and/or want the box lunch, please put the guest’s name, guest’s meal choice and include payment for each in your registration.
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