AMGA Speakers’ Bureau

Guidelines for AMGA Speakers

Master Gardeners must be active Certified Master Gardeners to be included in the AMGA Speakers Bureau listing. In accordance with AMGA Bylaws ( “ARTICLE XII MISCELLANEOUS Section 1. All service shall be voluntary with no remuneration except for out-of-pocket expenses if funds are available and approved by the Board of Directors.” However, civic groups or local Master Gardener Associations hosting a MG speaker may make a donation to the speaker’s local MGA or to a related botanical, horticultural, or environmental organization in the speaker’s name and compensate out-of-pocket expenses in accordance with local bylaws. The “Master Gardener Memo of Agreement” specifies that Master Gardener volunteers cover their own out-of-pocket expenses unless they are presenting at the request of, or as a guest of, the AMGA or a local MGA. Alternatively, Master Gardeners may claim out-of-pocket expenses as tax deductions with proper documentation.

Speakers should record presentation, preparation, and drive-time hours in the Master Gardener Service Report (

For creating presentations and publicity, see the guidelines for use of the Master Gardeners logo

A PowerPoint template for MG presentations can be found at .

Data gathered below is for informational purposes only, not for vetting speakers. Only topics, names, LMGA affiliation, and preferred contact method(s) will be posted publicly. Master Gardeners wishing to be included in the Bureau should fill out the following form and email it to [email protected].

Click Here for the AMGA Speakers’ Bureau Submission Form

All speakers in the AMGA Speakers’ Bureau listing are Certified Master Gardeners. In accordance with AMGA Bylaws, they cannot accept remuneration except for out-of-pocket expenses; however, local Master Gardener Associations or civic groups hosting a MG speaker may make a donation to the speaker’s local MGA or to a related botanical, horticultural, or environmental organization in the speaker’s name and reimburse out of pocket expenses in accordance with local bylaws.

Local Associations and civic and public organizations interested in booking speakers listed below should contact them directly. Speakers can accept requests at their own discretion. Local MGAs and organizations might also consider ACES agents and other individuals with particular expertise as presenters.

The Bureau list is alphabetized by local MGA name and periodically updated.

Legend for specifics: AC = Advanced Certification in the topic; T = will travel at least 1 hour; Z = can present on Zoom; LL = will present at Lunch and Learn.

The following Local Master Gardener Associations publish their own speaker listings on their website:

Baldwin County Master Gardeners:

Capital City Master Gardeners:

Jefferson County Master Gardeners: