Registration for the AMGA Annual State Conference is open! Click here to find out more.

AMGA Award Recipients

The AMGA has developed several awards to recognize exceptional volunteer service in support of the Master Gardener goals. These include awards for non-master gardeners and master gardeners. Congratulations to the following awards recipients.

Outstanding Newsletter Award Recipients

Jean Lee Lifetime Hours Award Recipients

Gary Murray Award for Outstanding Service and Dedication to the AMGA Recipients

Mary Lou McNabb Alabama Master Gardener of the Year Award Recipients

Top Hours of the Year Award Recipients

To learn more about the awards process, visit

The mission of the Alabama Master Gardeners Association, Inc. is to assist and support the Alabama Cooperative Extension System in its education outreach program. AMGA also supports the local Master Gardener Associations in their pursuit of continuing education in the field of horticulture, providing volunteer service through horticultural based assistance education, and community projects.